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LLM Image Document Loader

The LLM Image loader is a specialized loader designed to handle images and PDFs for vision-enabled Language Models. It serves as a fallback loader when no other loader is available and vision mode is required.

Supported Formats

  • jpeg/jpg
  • png
  • gif
  • bmp
  • webp
  • tiff


Basic Usage

from extract_thinker import DocumentLoaderLLMImage

# Initialize with default settings
loader = DocumentLoaderLLMImage()

# Load document
pages = loader.load("path/to/your/image.jpg")

# Process extracted content
for page in pages:
    # Access image content
    image_bytes = page["image"]
    # Access metadata if available
    metadata = page.get("metadata", {})

Configuration-based Usage

from extract_thinker import DocumentLoaderLLMImage, LLMImageConfig

# Create configuration
config = LLMImageConfig(
    max_image_size=1024 * 1024,    # Maximum image size in bytes
    image_format="jpeg",           # Target image format
    compression_quality=85,        # JPEG compression quality
    llm="gpt-4-vision",           # Target LLM model
    cache_ttl=600                  # Cache results for 10 minutes

# Initialize loader with configuration
loader = DocumentLoaderLLMImage(config)

# Load and process document
pages = loader.load("path/to/your/image.jpg")

Configuration Options

The LLMImageConfig class supports the following options:

Option Type Default Description
content Any None Initial content to process
cache_ttl int 300 Cache time-to-live in seconds
llm str None Target LLM model
max_image_size int 1048576 Maximum image size in bytes
image_format str "jpeg" Target image format
compression_quality int 85 JPEG compression quality


  • Processing documents where text extraction is difficult or unreliable
  • Working with image-heavy documents
  • Using vision-enabled LLMs for document understanding
  • Fallback option when other loaders fail


  • This loader is specifically designed for vision/image processing
  • It doesn't extract text content (content field will be empty)
  • Each page will contain the image data in the 'image' field