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Document Loaders

Document Loaders are the foundation of ExtractThinker's document processing pipeline. They handle the initial loading and preprocessing of documents, converting them into a standardized format that can be used by other components.

Document Loader Flow

Basic Concept

A Document Loader can return content in two formats: - A simple string containing the extracted text - A structured object with pages and their content, that depends on the loader

Base Document Loader

The base DocumentLoader class defines the interface and common functionality that all loaders must implement: - load_content_from_file: Process files from disk - load_content_from_stream: Process BytesIO streams - can_handle: Validate file types - convert_to_images: Convert documents to images

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import io
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
import pypdfium2 as pdfium
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List
from cachetools import TTLCache
import os
import magic
from extract_thinker.utils import get_file_extension, check_mime_type
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import base64
import math

class DocumentLoader(ABC):
    #     "pdf", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "bmp"
    # ]

    def __init__(self, content: Any = None, cache_ttl: int = 300, screenshot_timeout: int = 1000):
        """Initialize loader.

            content: Initial content
            cache_ttl: Cache time-to-live in seconds
            screenshot_timeout: Timeout in milliseconds to wait for page content load when capturing a screenshot.
        self.content = content
        self.file_path = None
        self.cache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=cache_ttl)
        self.vision_mode = False
        self.max_image_size = None  # Changed to None by default
        self.is_url = False  # Indicates if the source is a URL
        self.screenshot_timeout = screenshot_timeout

    def set_max_image_size(self, size: int) -> None:
        """Set the maximum image size."""
        self.max_image_size = size

    def set_vision_mode(self, enabled: bool = True) -> None:
        """Enable or disable vision mode processing."""
        self.vision_mode = enabled

    def set_screenshot_timeout(self, timeout: int) -> None:
        """Set the screenshot timeout in milliseconds for capturing a screenshot from a URL."""
        self.screenshot_timeout = timeout

    def can_handle(self, source: Union[str, BytesIO]) -> bool:
        Checks if the loader can handle the given source.

            source: Either a file path (str) or a BytesIO stream

            bool: True if the loader can handle the source, False otherwise
            if isinstance(source, str):
                return self._can_handle_file_path(source)
            elif isinstance(source, BytesIO):
                return self._can_handle_stream(source)
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def _can_handle_file_path(self, file_path: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if the loader can handle the given file path."""
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            return False
        file_type = get_file_extension(file_path)
        return file_type.lower() in [fmt.lower() for fmt in self.SUPPORTED_FORMATS]

    def _can_handle_stream(self, stream: BytesIO) -> bool:
        """Checks if the loader can handle the given BytesIO stream."""
            mime = magic.from_buffer(stream.getvalue(), mime=True)
    # Reset stream position
            return check_mime_type(mime, self.SUPPORTED_FORMATS)
        except Exception:
            return False

    def load(self, source: Union[str, BytesIO]) -> Any:
        """Enhanced load method that handles vision mode."""

    def getContent(self) -> Any:
        return self.content

    def convert_to_images(self, file: Union[str, io.BytesIO, io.BufferedReader], scale: float = 300 / 72) -> Dict[int, bytes]:
        # Determine if the input is a file path or a stream
        if isinstance(file, str):
            return self._convert_file_to_images(file, scale)
        elif isinstance(file, (io.BytesIO, io.BufferedReader)):  # Accept both BytesIO and BufferedReader
            return self._convert_stream_to_images(file, scale)
            raise TypeError("file must be a file path (str) or a file-like stream")

    def _convert_file_to_images(self, file_path: str, scale: float) -> Dict[int, bytes]:
        """Convert file to images, handling both URLs and local files."""
        # Check if it's a URL
        if self._is_url(file_path):
            self.is_url = True  # Set the instance variable if the source is a URL
                screenshot = self._capture_screenshot_from_url(file_path)
                # Convert screenshot to PIL Image for potential resizing
                img =
                img = self._resize_if_needed(img)

                # Split into vertical chunks
                chunks = self._split_image_vertically(img)

                # Return dictionary with chunks as list
                return {0: chunks}  # All chunks from URL are considered "page 0"

            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Failed to capture screenshot from URL: {str(e)}")

        # Existing code for local files...
            is_image = True
        except IOError:
            is_image = False

        if is_image:
            with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
                return {0:}

        return self._convert_pdf_to_images(pdfium.PdfDocument(file_path), scale)

    def _convert_stream_to_images(self, file_stream: io.BytesIO, scale: float) -> Dict[int, bytes]:
        # Check if the stream is already an image
            is_image = True
        except IOError:
            is_image = False

        # Reset stream position

        if is_image:
            # If it is, return it as is
            return {0:}

        # If it's not an image, proceed with the conversion
        return self._convert_pdf_to_images(pdfium.PdfDocument(file_stream), scale)

    def _resize_if_needed(self, image: Image.Image) -> Image.Image:
        """Resize image if it exceeds maximum dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio.

            image: PIL Image object

            PIL Image object (resized if necessary)
        if self.max_image_size is None:  # Skip resizing if max_image_size not set
            return image

        width, height = image.size
        if width > self.max_image_size or height > self.max_image_size:
            # Calculate scaling factor to fit within max dimensions
            scale = self.max_image_size / max(width, height)
            new_width = int(width * scale)
            new_height = int(height * scale)
            return image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
        return image

    def _convert_pdf_to_images(self, pdf_file, scale: float) -> Dict[int, bytes]:
        # Get all pages at once
        renderer = pdf_file.render(

        # Convert all images to bytes and store in dictionary
        final_images = {}
        for page_index, image in enumerate(renderer):
            # Resize image if needed
            image = self._resize_if_needed(image)
            image_byte_array = BytesIO()
  , format="jpeg", optimize=True)
            final_images[page_index] = image_byte_array.getvalue()

        return final_images

    def can_handle_vision(self, source: Union[str, BytesIO]) -> bool:
        Checks if the loader can handle the source in vision mode.

            source: Either a file path (str), URL, or a BytesIO stream

            bool: True if the loader can handle the source in vision mode
            if isinstance(source, str):
                if self._is_url(source):
                    return True  # URLs are always supported in vision mode
                ext = get_file_extension(source).lower()
                return ext in ['pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff', 'bmp']
            elif isinstance(source, BytesIO):
                    return True
                    # Try to load as PDF
                        return True
                        return False
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def can_handle_paginate(self, source: Union[str, BytesIO]) -> bool:
        Checks if the source supports pagination (e.g., PDF, PPT).

            source: Either a file path (str) or a BytesIO stream

            bool: True if the source supports pagination
            if isinstance(source, str):
                # For file paths, check the extension
                ext = get_file_extension(source).lower()
                # For BytesIO streams, use magic to detect mime type
                mime = magic.from_buffer(source.getvalue(), mime=True)
        # Reset stream position
                return mime == 'application/pdf'

            # List of extensions that support pagination
            return ext in ['pdf']
        except Exception:
            return False

    def _check_playwright_dependencies():
        Check if the playwright dependency is installed.
            ImportError: If playwright is not installed.
            from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "You are using vision with url. You need to install playwright."
                "`pip install playwright` and run `playwright install`."

    def _capture_screenshot_from_url(self, url: str) -> bytes:
        Captures a full-page screenshot of a URL using Playwright.

            url: The URL to capture

            bytes: The screenshot image data
        # Optional: Check if playwright is installed before attempting to use it.

        from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright  # Import after the dependency check

        with sync_playwright() as p:
            browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=True)
            page = browser.new_page()

                # Navigate to URL
                page.goto(url, wait_until='networkidle')

                # Optional: Handle cookie consent popups (customize selectors as needed)
          'button:has-text("Accept")', timeout=10000)
                except Exception:
                    pass  # Ignore if no cookie banner is found

                # Wait for content to load with the configurable timeout

                # Capture full page screenshot
                screenshot = page.screenshot(full_page=True)

                return screenshot


    def _split_image_vertically(self, img: Image.Image, chunk_height: int = 1000) -> List[bytes]:
        Splits a tall PIL Image into vertical chunks of `chunk_height`.
        Returns a list of bytes in PNG format, in top-to-bottom order.

            img: PIL Image to split
            chunk_height: Height of each chunk in pixels

            List of PNG-encoded bytes for each chunk
        width, height = img.size
        num_chunks = math.ceil(height / chunk_height)

        chunks_bytes = []
        for i in range(num_chunks):
            top = i * chunk_height
            bottom = min((i + 1) * chunk_height, height)
            crop_box = (0, top, width, bottom)

            # Crop the chunk
            chunk_img = img.crop(crop_box)

            # Convert chunk to bytes
            chunk_bytes = io.BytesIO()
  , format="PNG", optimize=True)

        return chunks_bytes

    def _is_url(self, source: str) -> bool:
        """Check if the source string is a URL."""
            result = urlparse(source)
            return bool(result.scheme and result.netloc)
            return False

Core Features

Configuration Support

All Document Loaders support configuration-based initialization through dedicated config classes:

from extract_thinker import DocumentLoaderAWSTextract, TextractConfig

# Create configuration
config = TextractConfig(
    feature_types=["TABLES", "FORMS"],

# Initialize with configuration
loader = DocumentLoaderAWSTextract(config)


All Document Loaders include built-in caching capabilities through the CachedDocumentLoader base class. This provides automatic caching of document processing results with a configurable TTL:

Cached Document Loader

The CachedDocumentLoader extends the base loader with caching capabilities:

from io import BytesIO
from typing import Any, Union
from cachetools import TTLCache
from extract_thinker.document_loader.document_loader import DocumentLoader

class CachedDocumentLoader(DocumentLoader):
    def __init__(self, content: Any = None, cache_ttl: int = 300):
        self.cache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=cache_ttl)

    def load(self, source: Union[str, BytesIO]) -> Any:
        Load content from source with caching support.

            source: Either a file path (str) or a BytesIO stream

            The loaded content
        # Use the source and vision_mode state as the cache key
        if isinstance(source, str):
            cache_key = (source, self.vision_mode)
            # For BytesIO, use the content and vision_mode state as the cache key
            cache_key = (source.getvalue(), self.vision_mode)

        if cache_key in self.cache:
            return self.cache[cache_key]

        result = super().load(source)
        self.cache[cache_key] = result
        return result

Example usage of caching:

from extract_thinker.document_loader import DocumentLoader

class MyCustomLoader(DocumentLoader):
    def __init__(self, content: Any = None, cache_ttl: int = 300):
        super().__init__(content, cache_ttl)  # 300 seconds default TTL

File Type Support

Document Loaders automatically validate file types through the can_handle method:

loader = MyCustomLoader()
if loader.can_handle("document.pdf"):
    content = loader.load("document.pdf")

Multiple Input Types

Loaders support both file paths and BytesIO streams:

# Load from file
content = loader.load("document.pdf")

# Load from stream
with open("document.pdf", "rb") as f:
    stream = BytesIO(
    content = loader.load(stream)

Vision Mode Support

Many loaders support vision mode for handling images and visual content:

# Enable vision mode

# Load document with images
pages = loader.load("document.pdf")
for page in pages:
    text = page["content"]
    image = page.get("image")  # Available in vision mode

Image Resizing

loader = DocumentLoader()

Image Conversion

The base loader includes utilities for converting documents to images:

loader = DocumentLoader()
images = loader.convert_to_images(
    scale=300/72  # DPI scaling

Common Methods

All Document Loaders implement these core methods:

  • load(source): Main entry point for loading documents
  • set_vision_mode(enabled): Enable/disable vision mode
  • set_max_image_size(size): Set the maximum image size

Best Practices

  • Use configuration classes for complex initialization
  • Set appropriate cache TTL based on your use case
  • Check file type support before processing
  • Consider memory usage when processing large files
  • Enable vision mode only when needed
  • Handle both file paths and streams for flexibility

Available Loaders

ExtractThinker provides several specialized Document Loaders:

Cloud Services

  • AWS Textract: AWS document processing with support for text, tables, forms, and layout analysis
  • Azure Form: Azure's Document Intelligence with multiple model support
  • Google Document AI: Google's document understanding with native PDF parsing

Local Processing

  • PDF Plumber: Advanced PDF text and table extraction
  • PyPDF: Basic PDF processing with password protection support
  • Tesseract: Open-source OCR with multiple language support
  • Doc2txt: Microsoft Word document processing
  • Spreadsheet: Excel and CSV handling
  • Text File: Plain text file handling with encoding support
  • Markitdown: Multi-format document processing
  • Docling: Advanced document layout and table analysis

Special Purpose

  • Web Loader: Web page extraction with custom element handling
  • LLM Image: Vision-enabled LLM processing
  • Data: Pre-processed data handling with standardized format support

Coming Soon

  • Adobe PDF Services Coming Soon: Adobe's PDF extraction and analysis
  • ABBYY FineReader Coming Soon: Enterprise-grade OCR solution
  • PaddleOCR Coming Soon: High-performance multilingual OCR
  • Unstructured Coming Soon: Open-source document preprocessing
  • Mathpix Coming Soon: Math and scientific document processing
  • EasyOCR Coming Soon: Ready-to-use OCR with multilingual support
  • Nanonets Coming Soon: API-based document processing
  • Mindee Coming Soon: Specialized document parsing APIs
  • Rossum Coming Soon: AI-powered document understanding
  • Kofax Coming Soon: Intelligent document processing